Before you think about changing your current image, you may be happy with, unaware of, or resigned to your image and wardrobe. You are at the PRE-CONTEMPLATION STAGE.
You become aware that changing your image may bring you some positive benefits, perhaps for one of the following reasons:
You need to express something emerging about your self.
You feel shame or negativity about your current appearance.
You are going through a crisis or unsettling change.
You feel a periodic need to update your appearance and wardrobe.
You are preparing for a new role or position in your life.
This is called the CONTEMPLATION STAGE. You are considering changing your style, but may also wish to hold onto old habits and self-perception as it feels more comfortable and familiar. A lot of people do not get past this stage.
If you are serious about changing your image, you will move to the PREPARATION STAGE. You may start to do some research. Perhaps you begin to scroll through social media to find images of people whose appearance inspires you; perhaps you make a Pinterest board of looks you like; perhaps you chat to a friend about where they bought a piece of clothing you admire; perhaps you research stylists online and look at their work and services. The quality of your outcome will depend on the quality and thoroughness of your preparation.
If you now do a wardrobe clear out, go shopping for carefully considered pieces to try on or book an appointment with a personal stylist or hairdresser, you have now reached the ACTION STAGE and are on course to accomplish your goal.
During the MAINTENANCE STAGE, you will keep moving steadily towards your initial goals. You might put new outfits together, make small tailoring alterations, (, style your hair or learn new make up techniques to go with your new look, for example. The more radical the change or the more you experiment with your style, the longer you may need to spend at this stage.
If you do reach the RELAPSE STAGE and are unable to assimilate any positive style changes you initially made, you will need to go back to the PREPARATION STAGE, ACTION STAGE then MAINTENANCE STAGE. First, you will need to analyse without judgement, what went wrong or did not work for you. With this new understanding, you are far more likely to succeed when you try again in the future.
If you are at the CONTEMPLATION STAGE, take the quiz on the Homepage to see how you might approach changing your personal style. I work with you by guiding you through the PREPARATION and ACTION STAGES and supporting you through the MAINTENANCE AND RELAPSE STAGES, if needed. My goal is to support you towards lasting success.