Understanding personality and how it manifests in our decision-making processes can help us in many areas in life, including our approach to style. Personality type does not dictate aesthetics, but how we think about and use aesthetics.
How Personality Typing and Style analysis can help you:
Understand your dominant cognitive processes and how others may perceive you
Dress in alignment with your dominant energies. Each of us has a superpower, which we can express, through appearance. Congruency between self and presentation promotes authenticity and harmony, which allows our communication with others to be more clearly received
Understand your inferior (less used) cognitive processes and how possible lack of development in these areas could be holding your style back
Learn how to boost your inferior processes to supercharge your look
As you begin to exhibit more self-knowledge, individuality and self-confidence, your overall image improves
How Personality Typing as part of Style analysis can help the stylist:
By understanding your personality type, I can assess your needs and priorities with greater objectivity, minimising the likelihood of projecting my own tastes, preferences and priorities onto your style requirements.
Personality Type Theory:
Cognitive functions, as described by Carl Jung in his book "Psychological Types" (1921), are particular mental processes within a person's psyche that serve as the foundations for Jung's theories on personality type. He noted four main psychological functions: thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition, as well as a preference for extroversion or introversion.
Personality Testing:
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective, self-reporting questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences to measure how people perceive the world and make decisions. The self-reporting aspect of the test can result in some inaccuracy.
However, a thorough understanding of the cognitive functions, based on the work of American psychologists John Beebe and Dr. Linda Berens, (and how these different functions influence answers selected) can help mitigate somewhat against potential self-selecting biases.
After taking the test, as part of the Psychological Style Report, you will receive detailed 1-2 page Style Notes about dressing for your personality type. Alternatively, if you already know your type, you can download the Style Notes for your type from the Shop.